Monday, October 24, 2011


Ive been thinking a lot about how education and the world seems to accept that different people function differently.  That makes sense.  I think everyone gets it.  Some are good in Math, some struggle with processing, some have physical challenges, Autism, there is a plethora of disabilities, and initials that people can have: ADD, ODD, etc, etc, etc.

As teachers in schools, we have been told to recognize these functioning differences and try to adapt by giving the student something that helps their functioning reach a "normal" level and achieve a passing grade in the class.

Im thinking that the power is not in getting everyone to function at the same level, but instead being the person that can reach the most people no matter their functioning level.  It doesnt seem to matter what we "add" to their functioning because I dont think their functioning is deficient...I dont think its is unique, just like everyone else's.

So the power and the strength is not in the person who thinks or can demonstrate higher levels of functioning ...instead the power and the strength goes to those who can succeed with many people with many different functioning levels.

#I think Im going to have to write this a few times before it gets more clear.  Its been bouncing around in my head for a while now...