About a month ago on a sunny July day in Kenya a group of us invited over 200 people to work at International Villages-Hopewell. This was the plan, work 44 hours a week for a month, never be late and work honest, get paid-nothing. Than do the same thing, another 44 hours of honest work, never be late for another month and receive the equivalency of $20 USD. Than do the same thing, for a 3rd month and this time receive $40 USD. Than, maybe there would be more work and maybe there would be no work.Today we are days away from the first month being completed and 117 people show up everyday to work on time, work hard, and havnt gotten paid a thing. And now its our turn to follow our part of the bargain.Today I went to a meeting and "Spilled the Beans". While that usually means a secret, today it was 117 beans in a bag, each bean representing a person, with a family, that has kept their part of a bargain...and now those people with their families and livlihoods sit on the shoulders of us.
Today I am spilling them and asking you to help. We need 117 people to stand up and say, "I got one worker for 3 months, heres my $60!" And we need this in the check in the mail...by August 18th. Please can you help? Can you find a friend to help too? Check out my photo album for pictures of the people that are working...3 months of work for $60. Thats less than a night out...
Please make checks payable to:
Wrestling the World
15 Swift St
Edgerton, WI 53534
Or if you want to pay by credit/debit card call:Phill Klamm (262) 492-0303
Together I know we can do this in 7 days!
Proud to be your friend...thanks for helping me with the beans!
Oh PS, met with some friends tonight and they picked up the first 11 beans! Including one amazing family that took care of 8!!!