Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fw: Jambo!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Phill Klamm <>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:01:53 -0500
Subject: Fw: Jambo!

Sent from my BlackBerry� wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Nelly Muthui <>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:26:56 -0500
To: Phill Klamm<>
Subject: Jambo!

HI Phill,

Long time. I hope this finds you well and in great health. Just thought of dropping you a line. Its been really busy for you guys working on the IV project. I trust that God will make this dream come to pass.

I am good, busy at school and helping out with the project. Mary Anne told me about your meeting. She was so impressed and thinks so highly of you. The two of you have the same ideas and i am sure you can accomplish a lot if you work together.

So much for the IV project team to do, we promise to do our best to meet our obligation. Alice and i are through with a landscaping design. You will love it, so natural and beautiful - no details for now because i will spoil the surprise. We have forwarded the quote to Vitalice so that he can incorporate it to the main quote once they are done with the other costings.  We are now waiting for Vitalice and the contractors to complete on the costings . We were hoping they would be done by Sunday but its much work than we thought. Probably because that's a design not common around here, so unique. They have made progress though and we should have the quotation sent your way soon.

How is Jodie and the baby? Do you have pics of them you could forward. Its been so long since i last wrote to you and i have so many questions. I understand you are busy with the projects now so i just have to wait until the day you get here.!! Cant wait to see you again. Do you think Matt and Jodie will travel with you? I'd love to see them too. All this is so exciting for us Phill. Lets keep praying that all goes well.

I wish you well in all you do. God bless



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