Thursday, May 29, 2008

IV-Hopewell 5-29-08 Email

We have global communication rolling! I have received emails from Vitalice and from Alice so our connection is good and now comes the fun part: picking a project! You can read Vitalice's reply here about his project "Clean City" and about his response to the scanned project WTW's International Village-Hopewell.

Vision/Dreambuilding-Picture a constant flow of international visitors, think of the money that comes in, think of the connections that are made, think of the global synergy that would happen at Hopewell/Barut/Nakuru/Kenya/World etc. Think of the job skills that could be learned and improved at the IV-Hopewell and students could transition to other places around Kenya...think Nairobi, Mombasa, etc.

Now take the learning experiences we have with IV-Hopewell and transition that to IV-South America (Brazil?), IV-SE ASIA, IV-Eastern Europe, etc. Can you imagine a network of WTW IV's around the world where visitors could travel to and have real experiences while helping the local areas?

I love the "Clean City" proposal...cant wait to see more details!

What if? What if we did a new well for IV-Hopewell with water purification, supplemented the water supply with rain water harvesting from the roof, used solar energy, bio-gas, and was able to set up a completely "green" location to stay at? Add this with local food such as Noma Choma, Kale, Ugali, etc

One more thing and than Ill hit send...I promise! What if we were able to nail this down soon, start the fundraising process get our group solidified and was able to cut the ribbon on this deal next June...completed by June...we could stay there...train staff, plant trees, work on "Clean City" initiative, set standards for visitors, take pictures and videos to promote it...can you see us sitting in the courtyard of our new IV-Hopewell having a fire, enjoying Noma Choma, and writing personal letters to celebrities, travel magazines, journalists, friends, and family...would this be after collecting tons of garbage off the streets? Getting home from Masai Mara Game Drive and seeing the "Big 5"? How about after sitting down with some of the village elders and praising them for their leadership? Or visiting the children in the village and playing soccer, handing out books, and sitting down together with some sweets? What is it for you?

You are not are far from ordinary...what makes you want to do this? How do you see this in your head? How will this change the rest of your life? What will be the story you tell the most when you come back and talk to the people who found excuses not to go? What picture will you show your grandchildren or nieces and nephews when they ask you how you started this global village?

I believe in can do this!

Vitalice's reply:
Thanks for that swift response. And Alice came over to see me yester evening with this grand idea of a project proposed from your end. That is a sure blockbuster of a project! I don’t know why nobody else has ever thought of a project like that! Centres around Hopewell, involving the entire Barut community and basically serving as the nucleus for economic development of this underdeveloped section of Nakuru. The idea is cool, viable and doable. The scan of the diagram you sent Alice didn’t print out ok but I get the general idea. I asked Alice to spare time this coming Saturday so that together with James, another graduate of Hopewell who serves as a project assistant in school and Nelly or Rashid and brainstorm further on this. I believe after that session, we could provide you with an approximate financial outlook of this project.

Yes, the dorm is located 20 meters from the borehole along the fence. It is those two tin classrooms adjoining the library that we pulled down and replaced with a large hall portioned into two to serve as a girls’ dorm. We currently have 135 girls boarding. The rest will come in slowly as space is created by provision of beds.

The environmental project I was proposing is not the one sent to Steve. This will be somewhat an education campaign but with a major one-day town clean-up operation to launch the ‘Clean City” campaign. We expect the momentum to build slowly as we get schools involved, colleges, businesses and other organizations. Funds will be needed in mobilizing cleaning equipment, advertisements and general administrative expenses in coordinating the whole exercise expected to have 5000 participants in the 18 residential estates of Nakuru. I will still send you this project proposal but it definitely doesn’t come any closer to the one you hatched already.

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