Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Drawings!

Here are the renderings that go with the costs from the previous post. These look pretty SWEET if you ask me! But than again, I am far from impartial. We are still waiting for 2 other bids to come in, these are more expensive than the original quotes ($69,000 USD) because they use more stone and cement...we are likely to have a less expensive quote coming in from the other bids using more local materials.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Initial Costs Released!

The initial cost estimates have arrived! This is great news as we are another step closer to completion of International Villages-Hopewell. Here are some highlights:
  • Costs for a Cottage are about $5,000 USD each. More details to come, but these will have 2 beds, a sitting area, a western "style" bathroom and more.
  • Costs for the Main Building are about $51,500 USD.
  • All conversions were using www.xe.com which states as of today $1USD=71.85KES let it be known that is VERY generous for the USD at this point and time and that is subject to change
  • I have emailed Vitalice with many more questions and will report back as we know more.
  • For now take a look at the JPEG files below and try to think who you know wouldn't mind sponsoring a piece of this Poverty Busting Idea!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fw: Jambo!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Phill Klamm <phill.klamm@edgerton.k12.wi.us>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:01:53 -0500
To: wrestlingtheworld@yahoo.com<wrestlingtheworld@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Jambo!

Sent from my BlackBerry� wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Nelly Muthui <nmuthui@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:26:56 -0500
To: Phill Klamm<phill.klamm@edgerton.k12.wi.us>
Subject: Jambo!

HI Phill,

Long time. I hope this finds you well and in great health. Just thought of dropping you a line. Its been really busy for you guys working on the IV project. I trust that God will make this dream come to pass.

I am good, busy at school and helping out with the project. Mary Anne told me about your meeting. She was so impressed and thinks so highly of you. The two of you have the same ideas and i am sure you can accomplish a lot if you work together.

So much for the IV project team to do, we promise to do our best to meet our obligation. Alice and i are through with a landscaping design. You will love it, so natural and beautiful - no details for now because i will spoil the surprise. We have forwarded the quote to Vitalice so that he can incorporate it to the main quote once they are done with the other costings.  We are now waiting for Vitalice and the contractors to complete on the costings . We were hoping they would be done by Sunday but its much work than we thought. Probably because that's a design not common around here, so unique. They have made progress though and we should have the quotation sent your way soon.

How is Jodie and the baby? Do you have pics of them you could forward. Its been so long since i last wrote to you and i have so many questions. I understand you are busy with the projects now so i just have to wait until the day you get here.!! Cant wait to see you again. Do you think Matt and Jodie will travel with you? I'd love to see them too. All this is so exciting for us Phill. Lets keep praying that all goes well.

I wish you well in all you do. God bless



Monday, September 1, 2008

September 3

Here is an update on how things are going.

  • On the ground in Kenya we are still awaiting final cost details and phase information, this should be coming soon.

  • Our Kenyan team is working hard to get all of the information we need to insure a timely and well executed construction plan

  • The trip team is growing! More and more people are seeking travel information and the travel costs are finalized...talk to Phill, Jodie, Connie, or Joanne for more info

  • Xola Consulting has officially joined the WTW IV Project team and will be doing Customer Analysis, Investor Analysis, Competitor Analysis, WTW Positioning study, REcommended channels to target customers and investors, 2 international press releases, relevant blog postings, posting stories to off the radar...adventure travel news...voluntourism.org...and brave new traveler, and developing and assembling an investor kit. Welcome aboard XOLA!

  • Via1 Marketing has developed the final approved logo look at how cool it is!!! Thanks Andy and Via1
  • Via1 is also working on the place holder for our new website www.InternationalVillages.org I have seen the preliminary and as far as placeholders go...it is the GREATEST I have ever seen.
  • Via1 is also working on the website design for the website www.InternationalVillages.org
  • Via1 is also working on some print collateral to help WTW spread the good word about the IV Project
  • WTW's treasurer, cofounder, and board member Blayne Roselle has retired from his position as treasurer on the WTW board. Blayne has been a priceless asset to WTW and we wish Blayne the best of luck in his retirement! :) He is still going to be a big part of WTW, look for him to be tearing it up on the dance floor at the Big Weekend on Friday, October 24th where Copperbox and the Goodtime Dutchmen will polka through Whitewater...come one come all this will be a GREAT time!
  • We have started into a converstation with multiple parties about offering a pre-trip education through computer programs, videos, and MP3s. This is an idea from our Peace Corp friend that we really like and will be looking into more.

Ill leave you with that...there will be more later!

Fw: Kenya Team Update

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Vitalice <kahendah@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 20:53:57 -0700 (PDT)
To: <phill.klamm@edgerton.k12.wi.us>; <wrestlingtheworld@yahoo.com>; <nmuthui@yahoo.com>; <yegon1984@yahoo.com>; <alyshy2006@yahoo.com>; <eutyeuti@yahoo.com>
Subject: Kenya Team Update

How is the going? I know when things are quite, lots of serious work is going on behind the scenes. And I know it is more involving from your end considering that you are back in school now. We have been at it, hammer and tongs! Detailed costing for the main building and cottages is complete. What the two gentlemen are still doing, and which ends this coming Sunday, are the accessory facilities whose costing must be done before the final building cost is announced. This is, if we are to avoid the risk of cost underestimation which may lead to a huge white elephant standing atop a hill here in Barut. With a little more patience (under a week), we should have in our hands accurate working figures. The next phase, the pre-implementation (procurement of materials, hiring workers and setting up operational site office) will be a lot quicker if the current ongoing phase is done correctly.
Glory Safaris have been slow in sending us a quote based on the itinerary you sent us. All these should be completed this week. It has been quite some tight schedule for tour firms. It is their peak season and all roads have been leading to Maasai Mara. This is the time that the great wildebeest migration (7th Wonder of the World) takes place and thousands of the gnus move from the Mara to the neighboring Serengeti in Tanzania. The migration runs from July to early October. You should be able to witness it first hand this time round…..the great crocodile feast in the Mara River and the Lions running riot on the migrating wildebeests.
Nelly and Alice are nearly through with completing a design for landscaping the IV. They got a good company to work with and once the design and costing is out, you will receive the full package from me.
That is it for today dear friend. Keep up wrestling this suffering world. We are together in this and don't have a slight doubt about the Kenya Team meeting its obligations. This is a win win situation and we can't wait to toast for the success of this important project during its commissioning next June.

"From those to whom much has been given,much shall be required"

Vitalice Kahendah
Hopewell High School
P.O.Box 7068,Nakuru 20110,Kenya
Cell Phone: +254-723236874
Telephone:  +254-202078033