Monday, September 1, 2008

September 3

Here is an update on how things are going.

  • On the ground in Kenya we are still awaiting final cost details and phase information, this should be coming soon.

  • Our Kenyan team is working hard to get all of the information we need to insure a timely and well executed construction plan

  • The trip team is growing! More and more people are seeking travel information and the travel costs are to Phill, Jodie, Connie, or Joanne for more info

  • Xola Consulting has officially joined the WTW IV Project team and will be doing Customer Analysis, Investor Analysis, Competitor Analysis, WTW Positioning study, REcommended channels to target customers and investors, 2 international press releases, relevant blog postings, posting stories to off the radar...adventure travel brave new traveler, and developing and assembling an investor kit. Welcome aboard XOLA!

  • Via1 Marketing has developed the final approved logo look at how cool it is!!! Thanks Andy and Via1
  • Via1 is also working on the place holder for our new website I have seen the preliminary and as far as placeholders is the GREATEST I have ever seen.
  • Via1 is also working on the website design for the website
  • Via1 is also working on some print collateral to help WTW spread the good word about the IV Project
  • WTW's treasurer, cofounder, and board member Blayne Roselle has retired from his position as treasurer on the WTW board. Blayne has been a priceless asset to WTW and we wish Blayne the best of luck in his retirement! :) He is still going to be a big part of WTW, look for him to be tearing it up on the dance floor at the Big Weekend on Friday, October 24th where Copperbox and the Goodtime Dutchmen will polka through Whitewater...come one come all this will be a GREAT time!
  • We have started into a converstation with multiple parties about offering a pre-trip education through computer programs, videos, and MP3s. This is an idea from our Peace Corp friend that we really like and will be looking into more.

Ill leave you with that...there will be more later!

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