Friday, December 26, 2008


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Simon Karwamba
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 01:00:57 -0800 (PST)
To: <>; <>; Justin Edwards<>; <>; <>; Albert Kaisha<>; Peter Kamau<>; <>; Cosmas Mutua<>; <>; H. Onyango<>; <>; <>; <>; <>

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year 2009. My Christmas is the joy and gratitude to God for me and my family and family for just being alive and healthy in all aspects of life and to be able to intercede for those that are needy and forgotten by the rest of us.

I used to lament that my children do not have a new set of cloths for Christmas,
Until I met children with no cloths but in tatters on Christmas day,

I used to lament that my children do not have expensive food to celebrate Christmas,
Until I saw children eating from the trash bins on Christmas day.

I used to lament that my children do not have presents for Christmas,
Until I met children begging on the streets on Christmas day.

I used to lament that my children do not have a big house to live in,
Until I met children sleeping out in the bitter cold on Christmas Eve.

I used to lament that God did not care for my children's health when they fell sick on Christmas Eve,
Until I met sick children on the streets with no one to care for them.

I used to lament that I would transfer my children to a better school come new year,
Until I met children on the streets with no one to take them even to a public school.

I used to lament that God does not heed or even answer my prayers,
Until I met children on the streets, down on their knees praying on Christmas Eve.

Oh God, how we lament everyday about this, about that, about when, about what, about why, yet we totally forget the little blessings that we have everyday. It's those little blessings that create our miracles and make us human and most important of all, Children of the Living God.

Thank you God for all the little blessings that you bestow on us each and every day.


May the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ to whom we celebrate Christmas, be with us all and more so with all those that are suffering and in need at all times.



(Please share with all your friends)

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