Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fw: IV-Hopewell Update

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-----Original Message-----
From: Vitalice <>

Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 08:34:17,,
Subject: IV-Hopewell Update

Flu knocked me down for the last few days and had me grounded.I am back to report the following:
1. The land owners will sell us an acre for Kshs.230,000/=(US$3966 at an exchange rate of Kshs.58 to the dollar). This is a good bargain considering that we bought two additional acres adjacent to Hopewell and an acre costed us Kshs.300,000/=. The total acreage available is 5 although only 2.7 acres is immediately ready with a registered title deed.The remaining 2.3 acres will need a period of about one month to register and be ready for sale.
2.An architect is already working on a scaled sketch of the village.He visited the proposed site today,studied the layout and will have a final sketch ready by this coming Wednesday.By then,he should be able to provide us with a cost of the entire drawings and building permit.
4. The project team will be meeting at Hopewell tomorrow afternoon to compare notes.....check what Alice found out on her assignment and receive feedback from James on detailed costs of assorted building materials.
We will definitely be in attendance at the 'Meeting of minds' at your residence.....depending on time,we can join in the discussion through internet.
More tomorrow dear friend.

'Happy are those who dream and are ready to pay the price to make their dreams come true'-G.W.Griffin

Vitalice Kahendah
Hopewell High School
P.O.Box 7068,Nakuru-Kenya
Cell Phone: +254-723236874
Telephone:  +254-202078033

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