Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday, June 24th Board Meeting

On Tuesday we had a WTW Board meeting and three people were available and made it to the meeting: Joanne Franzene, Connie McChain, and Phill Klamm.

At the meeting we discussed a little about the book, The Bottom Billion by Paul Collier, and how his vision for helping poverty across the world matches with our project. I will do a post on the book at a later time.

We also talked about fundraising, throwing out ideas for reaching the large hotel companies such as Hilton, Hyatt, Ramada, and Best Western, talked about fundraising dinners at the Cactus Club, Rocky Rococo's, and Fin's. We also overwhelmingly agreed to develop an "in process" informational booklet to give to our fundraisers. We will be working on this on Thursday, June 26th at 1pm at the MECAS Alternative School in Milton, WI anyone available is invited to come.

God Bless

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