Friday, June 6, 2008

So...what's going on?

It is a hot and muggy Friday and high school graduations are happening all over the place. With the majority of our interested people being teachers this is a tough time of the year...ask any teacher about the last few weeks of school and notice the look you will get :)

At this point, we are waiting for some of the groundwork to be completed at Hopewell. Our project team is on the ground and working hard to lay the foundation with price quotes on land, permits, kitchen supplies, and much more. As soon as this information gets into my hands I will post it for all to see with a new guesstimate for our project.

If you are not on the mailing list that is probably something you want to do. Our mailing list is adding people daily as others are spreading the word about what we have up our sleeve.

Speaking of having something up our sleeve...plan on coming over to Jodie and my house for dinner and a project meeting at 5pm on Monday, June 16th. This will be a great way to start forming our team.

Let's spread the news and start the planning for some fundraisers in our head...this will be one of the largest fundraisers we have all been a part of. Think of telling people 20 years from now what you did to build the first WTW International Village in Africa...and how many people were able to travel because you laid the groundwork.

Talk soon!

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