Thursday, July 31, 2008


Hello Everyone!
As you can see from the previous blog there certainly is some excitement going on around here! The land in Kenya is purchased, improvements as far as planting and fencing the perimeter are about to start, the architect is working hard, and people thousands of milees away on two completely diverse continents are working together to make a difference in our world for future generations! Congratulations for being part of history!

The WTW board will be meeting tomorrow, Friday, August 1st to finalize the agenda and plans for the WTW meeting on Wednesday, August 6th. The August 6th meeting place is yet to be determined...but it will either be at the Myers' home in Fort Atkinson or the Klamm home in Whitewater...more details to come.

Allow me to take a second and briefly highlight what is currently going on with our International Village project.
  • The land has just been purchased in Kenya, fencing and planting will begin immediately
  • I have preliminarily met with one person that has experience in Humanitarian Aid in the Dominican Republic and a further meeting will be set up with more of his contacts to evaluate the WTW IV project in the Dominican Republic
  • We have contacted some of our Community Board members in regards to exploring the WTW IV project in Sri Lanka and I will be meeting with an esteemed professor on Tuesday morning for more discussion
  • The WTW board is finalizing a large fundraising effort that will be released on August 6th...get ready as this will be the best and the biggest fundraiser yet! It will most certainly expand the influence of WTW both here and abroad!
  • The WTW website will be adjusted by Computer Know How of Brodhead, WI to accomodate for this new fundraiser and for IV-Hopewell...look for a reservation system to be up before our Summer 09 trip!
  • I have met with Carol and Crystal from Via1 an exciting Marketing and Advertising firm out of Burlington and they along with their team of designers and writers are working on a campaign to help with the total operations of the WTW IV project including fundraising, trip promotion, and more! I cannot tell you how excited I am about this group of people and the possibility of them joining the WTW Team...wait until you see what they can do. After meeting them and perusing their portfolio of work and listening to the passion they have for their work...the sky is the limit with this group of professionals. I am SOOOOOO Excited I cannot even tell you!
  • We have also received our first news article! The Burlington Standard Press and Mark Dudzik are very interested in our project and have been wonderful supporters of WTW in the past. Please try and get a few copies of this article and take the time to let Mark and the Standard Press know how much we appreciate them.
  • The final bullet I will have today is this: The August 6th meeting will be very important to the future of this project...I have been told by some of my friends that have not been at a meeting yet that they will be there...the amount of talent and passion at that meeting accompanied by what we already have in progress will be sure to catapault this far beyond your wildest expectations.

Know this...I am proud of you, you are doing great things, and together we will change the world!

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