Thursday, July 31, 2008


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from U.S. Cellular

From: Vitalice <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 02:10:25 -0700 (PDT)
To: <>; <>
CC: <>; <>; <>

Hello Phill
The wire came through and we were slow in having the purchase processed because schools are closing for the August holiday and I had to personally sign the progres report forms for the hundreds of kids going home.
The wire was in the amount of USD19970 and while I am in Nairobi today,Nelly is completing the land purchase at our attorney offices and should be done and holding the land title deed in her hands in about one hour.We can now breathe a huge sigh of relief,the major phase of this project is dispensed with.The architect has also been paid 50% fees to work on the detailed plans which should be ready by 15th August.When I get back to Nakuru(tomorrow,Friday),I will email you a detailed statement of account for this wire.The immediate activity that starts tomorrow is fencing off the land with barbed wire and then starting to plant an assortment of trees as we await the building phase to start.
Eutycus Mbuthia is the new addition to the IV-project team at Hopewell.He is a Hopewell graduate,teaches Math and Physics and is one sociable,intelligent and active young man.He replaces James who is now driving a 'matatu' along one of the busiest Kenyan routes while taking a part time diploma in Tour Guide Administration in anticipation of gettign employd at the IV-Hopewell as tour guide/driver.Eutycus will be getting in touch with you shortly,introducing himself as well as reporting on what the project team did the whole of yesterday in Nakuru and Elementaita.He is the one who will take pictures of the land and send over,oversee the fencing and in cordination with Alice,do a selection of trre seedlings and decorative flowers to start landscaping the site.
Nelly is currently getting you a comparison of salaries for staff in such a guest resort(from various similar guest houses) and detailed equipment(kitchen stuff,room furnishng) etc that will fully equip the village once building is up.
Congratulations for that encouraging continuation of the individual donor at $1000 is a great impetus to this worthy and noble cause.We hope and pray that friends and well wishers continue opening up their wallets and signing cheques.
Enough update for one day dear friend.Expect final summaries of activities tomorrow.Be blessed and pass our profuse thanks to the entire WTW team.

'Happy are those who dream and are ready to pay the price to make their dreams come true'-G.W.Griffin

Vitalice Kahendah
Hopewell High School
P.O.Box 7068,Nakuru-Kenya
Cell Phone: +254-723236874
Telephone:  +254-202078033

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