Saturday, June 13, 2009

84 Hours to Damon's

As the time starts to tick by and get closer and closer to the reality of gets so exciting to think that soon a plan that started so long ago will be in action.

What will the long term effects of this adventure be? There are so many players that I would wager I cannot even list everyone that is impacted. To be realistic I am fully aware that not all of the impact will be positive...but when a person moves forward with a plan they must really believe with every cell of their being that what they are doing is the right thing.

I wonder how many people will remember this trip? The travelers, their family, friends...the people we meet along the way...our Kenyan friends and acquaintances. What about the people who watch from the sidelines, not for us but not against us...simply watching to see if we succeed, fail, or accomplish anything.

I am looking forward to developing strong life long relationships on this trip. People I can trust and admire, people that will say the right thing, tell me the truth especially when it may be hard, and sell out with their entire being when we are working for something that we truly believe is the right thing.

That is what many people are missing in life. People. People who are your friends and love you. People who will tell you when you may be a little off and than help you to find the right perspective. People who will sell out with you and give everything they have when you lock arms together and run for a purpose you all believe in. You see, there are many things that I believe in...all of varying importance, but I feel like if a person is not running for a purpose, than what are they doing?

What do you say? Are you there? What is your purpose? Are you locked in arms with someone to accomplish something great? There is nothing like a small group of committed people! "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" -Margaret Mead

So, what is there to accomplish tonight? tomorrow? in your lifetime? Set a direction and go full speed ahead...there really is no other speed.

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