Monday, June 15, 2009

Running Away In Kenya

Today I can't help but focus on Running Away.

Ah, in a few short days I will be on a plane heading to the Great Mystery known as Africa, more specifically East African Kenya. It is going to be dry, very dry, moderate temperatures low 80s as the high and the nights will drop into the 50s. Dry, dust will be everywhere...

Once based in Nakuru, after the 1st Masai Mara safari, I will be running with my Kenyan friend James each morning. As a large individual, currently 295...just lost 36 pounds in preparation for the trip...I am guessing I am going to be working very hard to stay up with James a small fast Kenyan who loves to run! While this will be great exercise and a wonderful stress release...I am also looking forward to seeing places in Kenya that I would not be able to see from a large van.

What will I see on my runs with James? To be perfectly honest, I have no idea, I just know that I am looking forward to it immensely.

Dont forget to follow the trip on Twitter. If you are a Twitter user follow restlintheworld...dont forget to get the updates to your mobile phone! There wont be many each day, but you will want to know as soon as they are happening...

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