Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Constant Thought... Part 2 of 3

After some constant thought I have decided to make yesterday's post into a 3 part series. Yesterday was the first time I have ever written those thoughts down and while I am not happy with the style that came across I believe that if you read it you get the point.

Today, I am going to add a touch of surprise.

Happiness to me is not about religion...or faith. Now as many of you know I am a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived a perfect life, was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. While many people in my circle of friends have those same beliefs, I am not talking about the JOY that I believe comes from having faith in God.

The happiness I talk about can transcend different faiths. I have met happy Christians, Jews, Budhists, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, etc. I have also met unhappy people that would profess one of the faiths that I have just listed.

So what does make someone happy?

If it is not a higher calling, a faith in God, a belief in life after death...

If it is not earthly things or objects, money, or the ability to HAVE anything you want...

If it is not our occupation, our job, how we earn our living, what we ARE...

If it is not our good works, what we DO to help others, the changes and improvements that we DO in the world...

If it is not a circumstance or an event in our life...

Than what IS happiness? How do I find it? How can I implement it in MY life?

I promise...more to come tomorrow!

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