Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sweet home Kenya!

Here I sit in Nairobi (Wilson no details please)...its 5 am and I have been on the computer for at least an hour. The trip half way around the world has gone very smooth. 23 Midwesterners (actually 1 Kentuckian) decided to travel to Kenya to see the world, go on safari, and volunteer in a small place called Baruti just outside Nakuru.
We started early and were hosted by a great staff at Damons in Janesville WI USA than to Van Galder where we had 2 people who were not so happy that 23 people and all their luggage wanted to travel during their shift...Ohare went well other than, of course, I was the guy who got screamed at by security because my loving wife put a bottle of water in my bag for later :) and I forgot to put my hair gel in a clear plastic bag. Literally I was screamed at. But hey, I live with and deal with at-risk youth! "You Cant Hurt Me" LOL
Chicago was great grabbed a burrito $8! and than headed to London. London was a busymess or a zoo I would say...have one traveler who has a hard time getting around so that was one challenge, another person got sick (she is fine and no Im not saying who it is, just trust me, she is fine!), as I was walking with her she was yaking in a small ziploc and some lady almost walked into her, it was the most hilarious look Ive ever seen...than the lady told all her friends and they watched her puking as they went down the escalator...priceless! Than we had the lady who upgraded us to Club World. I have no idea what these tickets would have cost but they were priceless...she said my dad was inbetween Jodie and I and than kinda looked at us snickered and said, "He can move if he like or satay if he likes that too" and a wicked grin crossed her face. So than I almost started puking. Whats up with these Londoners...funny people I tell ya.
Than it was heaven on the flight for the 3 of us that got moved...literally free champagne and wine, lobster, beef filet, fancy deserts, chocolate bar, the whole deal. Jodie fell asleep waiting for her food as she was holding her mouth shut. Not quite sure why she was holding her mouth shut, but as dad and I were talking he pointed to her and sure enough there she was...LOL the beds were amazingly comfortable and here I sit wide awake because I slept too much on the plane. I tried some cottled cream? a scone? pea jelly? (its like cold pea soup jello) yep not sure who eats that but they served it to us.
British Airways gets huge props here...I 100% recommend them, they are amazing. The staff on the ground at Heathrow and especially the plane were nice. In fact very nice. Can you imagine nice plane staff? Oh did I tell you my dad broke his glasses already? Yep, as he was out cold in the fancy seat he forgot his glasses and they fell off his face...someone stepped on them...Im pretty sure we can get those fixed in Nakuru.
Its an amazing group of people these 23 people who are together...we havnt had bonding time yet other than a layover in London and a meal in Janesville...but the travel tomorrow, safari, and than the dinner and fire afterwards will do its trick. If you have a loved one on this trip, I would encourage you to post to this blog and tell everyone how great your loved one is. Pitera, Im not sure if you read this blog or not...but you better post.

You see when people get together and go outside their comfort zones to grow amazing things happen...not just to that person but also to the people around them.
Come grow with us, it will be a journey of funny and sad, heartfelt and overtired, but when all is said and done...this time more will be done than said!
OH! PS...if anyone is out there and can get us some insulin that would be great...we are pretty sure someone stole the one bag that is missing and unfortunately it was probably the most important bag. Dont worry though we are prepared...there is more meds in a different bag and we have connections to the hospital in Nakuru. All is well tonight our friends around the globe as you are dreaming of Lions and Elephants and Cheetahs, Rhinos, and Leopards we will be in God's great wonder called the Masai Mara...during one of the most amazing times in the year...THE GREAT MIGRATION. Wildebeests watch out, Zebras move comes a bunch of people from the cheese state! Oh and one from Kentucky, does anyone know anything about Kentucky?


The Foskett Family said...

You are the funniest blogger I know! I am looking forward to hearing more details as the days go by! Have so much fun!

Ross9387 said...

Sounds like you guys/gals are off well and having a good time. I hope I get upgraded on my flight over...that would be just dandy!


Hoffmans' said...

Great to be able to follow the trip--be safe.

Reilly Family said...

Phill you deserve to be upgraded, hair gel or no hair gel!! I have to say I was thankful that the person puking was a she and not a he. Sorry to whoever that was!! Have an awesome time on safari!! I can't wait to hear all about it. Connor have fun, we miss you!! P.S. Sam rearranged your room and played on your computer all day today!! Just kidding! Love from all of us~Mom,Dad,Brent,Sam and Molly

Jeremiah Diedrich said...

Thanks for keeping us updated...what a great way to share it with us!! Hope all of you have a great time on the safari & Phill, please remind Hannah that there is a REASON I got the extra long lense for the camera to use on the safari!! :0) Our love and prayers are with you!!~The Diedrich Clan

Robert Pitera said...

I had better post? That's scary. Is Jenna alright? If ya can, let her know I love and miss her. Hope your all havin' a blast.

Joel Burmeister said...

Steve N sent me the link to your blog. This is incredible! God's blessings on your work. Say hi to your dad. Ask him if there is any sheepshead to be found in Africa.

Stacy said...

Glad you all made it safe and sound! Don't forget to take loads of pics!! :^)

Klamm's at home said...

We miss you have big surprise when you get home bring me home a pumba LOL Love you Jodie, Phil, Katie and My Honey Bunny and everyone else. mommy klamm